Dynamic URLs

Dynamic URLs are web addresses that are generated on the fly by a server, often containing parameters, variables, or session IDs. These URLs are not static and can change based on user input, database queries, or server-side processes.

Importance in SEO

Dynamic URLs can be challenging for SEO because they can be difficult for search engines to crawl and index.

Search engine crawlers may have trouble understanding the structure and content of dynamic URLs, which can lead to missed or poorly indexed pages.

Additionally, dynamic URLs can be less user-friendly and may not accurately reflect the content of the page, which can impact click-through rates from search results.


A dynamic URL might look like this: https://example.com/products.php?id=123&color=blue


  • Use static URLs or URL parameters that are SEO-friendly when possible.
  • Implement server-side rendering to help crawlers understand dynamic content.
  • Use the canonical tag to help search engines understand the relationship between dynamic and static versions of the same content.
  • Prevent duplicate content by using the correct URL structure for dynamic pages.


  • Overload URLs with too many parameters, which can make them harder for crawlers to interpret.
  • Rely solely on client-side rendering, as this can prevent crawlers from accessing the content.
  • Ignore the potential for dynamic URLs to become outdated or irrelevant, as they are dependent on server-side processes.