Above The Fold

The term “above the fold” originates from the printing industry and refers to the portion of a newspaper that is visible without unfolding the paper. In web design and SEO, it refers to the content that is visible on a web page without scrolling.

This area is highly valued by advertisers and marketers because it captures the user’s attention immediately upon loading the page.

Importance in SEO

The content above the fold is crucial in SEO because it’s the first thing users see, and it can significantly impact their decision to stay on the page or bounce back to the search results. Search engines consider user engagement metrics, including bounce rate and dwell time, in their ranking algorithms.

Therefore, ensuring that the above-the-fold content is engaging, relevant, and fast-loading can help improve a website’s SEO performance.


A common practice to optimize above-the-fold content is to feature a compelling headline, a brief but informative summary, and a clear call-to-action (CTA).

This can be seen on many news websites, where the top stories are displayed in a way that encourages users to click and read further.


  • Place important content, such as headlines and images, above the fold.
  • Ensure that the above-the-fold content is relevant to the search query.
  • Optimize page load speed to reduce bounce rates.
  • Use eye-catching visuals and clear, concise headlines.
  • Include a clear CTA that encourages users to engage with the content.


  • Overcrowd the above-the-fold area with too much content, which can lead to clutter and a poor user experience.
  • Feature irrelevant or low-quality content above the fold, as this can lead to high bounce rates.
  • Neglect mobile optimization, as the above-the-fold content should be easily accessible on all devices.
  • Rely solely on ads or pop-ups in the above-the-fold area, as this can annoy users and lead to bounces.
  • Fail to test and iterate on above-the-fold content to ensure it’s effective in engaging users.